Thursday, October 10, 2013

Adventures in the Pacific northwest. All sorts of trouble.

At this point its safe to say I've blown a bunch of money and caused some significant liver damage. I think I want to be a bartender when I grow up. Just part time. It will be easier on my internals... and my wallet.

I believe I last left it in Seattle, I've been really slacking on the picture taking here folks sorry. I still find it hard to believe people actually read this verbal diarrhea. Ramblings of a verbose, illiterate somewhat drunk mid twenty something. Hey Fed Ex arrived with a package for me. Thanks New Hampshire for holding it down. You know who you are.

I like having theme songs to these things

Remember that little book at the end of the last post? Well it was a good read when you're on the shitter. I think it gave me some good luck. That day I wrote a little poem for this girl I've been pursuing on the interwebs and she actually responded! But don't tell here. Here it is:

Dear Mz GoodMorning girl, 
I think of you from time to time 
And it ain't just cause 
you just so damn fine 

I really like what you wrote, 
and I want pick your brain 
that fact that you're ignoring me, 
is driving me a little insane 

No I kid, and its all in jest 
my mind is remaining sound 
despite the fact I'm writing you 
a poem the for the fourth time around 

I hope this brings a giggle 
or atleast a little smile 
if you're finding me annoying 
I'll try to apologize with style 

So I think this is how I'll leave it 
for now I think atleast 
so write me a back a good one 
Pretty please? you sexy beast 

Barring it for the world to see here folks and not without some hestitance. Thats not the word I want. Oh well.

I hate people that take pictures of food. But i have to show you this:

Middle row far right.

 So then I walked down to to the bar where my couch surf host was working. It was sunny when I left and pouring when I got there. Henry's. Good spot. Dope burgers. I had a long island, or three and was hanging out at the bar by myself. Accidently hit on some dudes girlfriend I didn't think I was but apparently he did. Oh well. Then this excellent thing happened. I was looking across the bar and I saw these to girls kicking it with this dude. I saw one see me see her and she looked right back. This happened a couple times. Finally I sacked up. Made a move. This is where it gets good, after a particularly long eye contact session I pointed at her with my index fingured, beaconed and pointed to the seat next to me. She looked away. Oh well I thought, next thing you know she walked over.

I was blown away, then she walked past me and gently brushed me. Awww shit, a foxy one. I think I followed her. I went to the bathroom and tried to time it so we came out at the same time. Failed. Returned to my seat. She came back and introduced her self. Striking. She and her friend were working the dude across the bar for VIP tickets to some show. She wanted to meet the some DJ. Hustler. I asked her if she was a groupie, she said no... Then yes, programmed her number in my phone and walked back to her friend.  Here she is:

I left for the soccer game. I had beer in my water pack in my jacket from the last game. Security was way more stringent. They wouldn't let me in with my ticket I bought from some scalper. Again it was pouring. They didnt like my knife. I went to another entrance I said they wouldn't let me in cause of the knife, showed it to them. They made me pour out my beer then let me in. The soccer sucked. I guess I'm used to European soccer or something.

Finished the game then headed back to henry's met up with Ben. But not before a cocktail waitress came over and introduced herself. I forget her name but she was very nice and quite beautiful. It's a shame she had to study that night.

Then Ben and I went out, i forget what happened. Nothing remarkable I guess.

The next day I kind of lazed around and got a whole lot of nothing done. The weekend had been a rough one. That night I went out with ben and his roomate and his roomates friend. I didn't really drink which frustrated them to no end. Two were bartenders and Ben and his roomate are both servers. We bounced around a bit then headed to this gas station that sold fried chicken gizards. Also known as colon destroyers... We went back to bens roomates boyfriends house. It was like 3 am. Things were winding down. He brought out connect four. His roomate and and girlfriend were like oh shit hes so good, his roomate bet ben a twenty i'd lose. ben took the bet but I canceled it for him... Then I beat the guys ass twice. Then he beat me once. I lost in such a way where he thought i might have done it on purpose. Which was a victory in of itself. We bounced.

Next day I met up with Nikko the magician. We (ben,nikko and I) went of for sushi lunch and I headed south for tacoma.

Tacoma rain forest:

I met with this wonderfully vibrant couch surfer named Lindsay, we went out for a walk, then went got dinner with her friend and then hit the town. Tequila bar and arcade games. It was a blast and I developed a little crush. Respectful of not treating couchsurfing like a dating site I didn't do anything. Which is good because it turns out she was seeing someone. Either way, she's great. Great little pitbull too.

Oh my stator came loose so I stopped at a shop and worked on the bike for about five hours. And demo'd a 1190 advernture R. It was bad. I like my bike better.

From Tacoma, I headed to Olympia. In Olympia with Bill, a wildcrafter and muscian he also grows wasabi. For those that don't know wasabi is an incredibly difficult thing to grow and only a handful of people in the country are able to pull it off. Bill is 65 and quite the man. He's done a whole shitload of traveling and he made me really want to go asia. I stayed there two days. He had another couch surfer staying with him Scout.


Scout is travelling essentially the opposite of me. A super interesting dude he has a farm / rainbow family commune in Costa rica on twenty acres. He owns the land and has lived there for the last three years. He he grows fruit and lived off the land. He basically only eats fruit. 12 apples for lunch. He road his bike down there and then eleven thousand miles back. Fuckin cray cray.  Oh and he spent less then a thousand dollars doing it... Makes me feel like a total pussy. He is now enrolled in the botany school in olympia. Which by the by is an awesome town. Kind of reminds me of Brattleboro.

From Olympia I headed to Portland. I was super psyched to stay with this couch surfer..... Wait a sec. The morning I left Olympia I met up with a girl off okcupid for breakfast. Julie. She was cool, but not really my style. We parted ways and I headed to Portland. So i was psyched to hang with Paul -  this couch surfer with like thirty good reviews.

Paul had three other couch surfers staying with him, two chicks from Australia and a dude from Georgia. We all went out and then paul ditched us. Which was fine. He a funny dude -  I think he might be a little burned out on couch surfing though. The plan was to bar crawl to karaoke. Somehow we got seperated and it was me and one australian chick. We decided to go dancing and walked twenty blocks to some excellent hiphop dance clubs. Got our grind on. It was fun. Then we walked back. Miles and miles.

The next day I took an okcupid date for a Motorcycle ride. It was really fun, planned a route out to the coast but turned around half way out cause we were running out of time. It was a beautiful day. Her name is Julia - she just moved here from Brooklyn. She didn't have a helmet so she wore a BMX helmet and Aviators. Like a Boss. On the way back into town traffic was crazy. We did alot of riding in the bike lane. Then this truck and camper cut me off in the bike line. We hopped onto the curb and then launched off a little ramp in front of him. Highly illegal but a whole shit load of fun. We made it back in time. She went to work. I went back to the house and kicked it with the couch surfers. I cleaned pauls kitchen, I wasn't sure I liked him but I wanted him to know we appreciated what he was doing. They helped. Then myself and the dude from georgia went to walmart and bought alot of sangaria mix. A couch surfer I had contacted in seattle had moved to portland and was having a party. We planned on heading there. The australians and paul bailed on it. At the party we played musical flipcup and twister. Good times. A little straight edge but good times. Oh and we drank a shitload of sangria.

Sangaria... Like a bowwwws

Next day I packed my shit and headed to my god parents house here in south Portland. Pam and Ueli. I don't really know them but they are family friends they've been super gracious hosts. Ueli was going to run the a marathon that day but he'd strained a calf muscle and wasn't able too. Instead he dug a 25 inch deep trench that was 15 feet and a foot wide. Beastly. He's in great shape. I helped Pam do a little painting. They had friends coming over for dinner. It was a nice dinner - good wine, food and conversation. Turned in early. I needed a recharge.

Were going to free the shit out of you:

Next day, did a little painting then headed over to Julia's house for a dank ass taco or two. I kicked it with her and her room mate. The topic of bikes came up. I needed to go to REI and that was right next to where Julia works. She had to be at work at 3. We headed REI, got some cable housing, and cables for her roomates bike and some chain lube. I got some Darn tough ski socks. Can't wait to try em. Julias roomate and I headed back to her house and I tuned up thier bikes. Then headed back to Pam and Ueli. Had dinner and hung out. Julia contacted me around 10 when she got off work. I took a bus downtown to meet her. Took about two hours before we finally connected. Went to a couple bars. Then decided to walk back to her place. We were pretty loose at this point and decided to climb this bridge. It about thirty feet above the highway was this sketchy walk way. I guess she brushed something and she started to get electricuted. She stepped through it and was ok. Super fucking dodgey. She has burns on her hand where the electricity came out. Nuckin futs. Then we got caught by a security guard. We decided to leave. I rolled a couple ciggarettes for some bumbs and we walked miles and miles home.

Mancakes one time for your mind?

Yesterday, we drove around and tried to get her some furniture cause her house is bare. The we got twenty dollar hour massages. It was interesting. Then we met up with her roomate and went bar hopping. On the walk home from the bars her roomate decided she wanted to explore a construction site, naturally we hopped the fence and joined her. I found a dumpster and took out two pieces of plywood. and tossed em over the fence. Then hid them by a bush. I turned around just intime to see Julia fall backwards off the top of the fence. Renee rejoined us and they finally hopped the fence. Not thirty seconds later the po nine rolled up us. They told us there had been reports of people jumping the fence. We said he hadn't seen anything. I think he knew. We bounced. We were laughing and walking away and talking about it and we round a corner right infont of more cops. I changed the subject and renee started talking about how she wanted the bar tender. They left us alone. We made it back to the house and they realized we'd forgotten the plywood. They went and got it.

The end

Joe just made it to portland today, were going to cook a dank ass dinner for pam and Ueli. It's going to be gourmet as fuck. Its great to reunited.

Keep keepin it real ya'll.

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