Sunday, September 29, 2013

Vancouver to seattle. Straight killin it.

You wouldn't see this nowadays. Specially not in Murrica.

Yup so I've been in Seattle less then twenty four and its already done me right. I fucking love couchsurfing. REEEEEEwind.

In advance sorry for the lack of pictures. I was busy having fun. Also this is not for my immediate family. Or extended family.
Please skip this one. It's despicable.

Definition of freedom. 
I took this picture right before almost getting in a fight with a bum for littering (him not me)

I went to that free comedy show. Total disaster. And it wasn't free. It was six bucks. Whatever. I spent the night talking with this german woman. At the bar. The comedians were so bad I felt sorry for them and apologized profusely to the german woman. We talked comparative solo traveling and about being lonely. I think she wanted me to go home with her  but I just wasn't quite feelin it. Oh well.

Third day in Vancouver, the day was pretty much a wash. Walked around Van with this swiss dude named kevin. He told me about there is this german chick in Colorado who wants him to move there and drive down to Ushuia with him. I strongly urged -  scratch that. I pressured the fuck out of him to do it. Apparently she's awesome. He's just being a massive pussy.

 I spent almost the entirety of the rest of the day it lining up couch surfing going down the west coast. I think at this point I'm set all the way to portland. Which by the way I'm psyched for because the dude that I'm staying with looks pretty cray cray. So yeah. Spent the day on the computer. A stitch in time saves nine folks. Thats nine african orphans. Thats right, learn how to sow time and you can be Angelina jolee.

So that night I met Amy, amy is a boss. Vancouverite born and raised she works as a bar tender. What did we do? Go out for comedy and drinks of course. And over pay for a hotel room. First world problems. We had a great time.

Next day, next day I took it kind of slow. Went on an okcupid date for some great food and better conversation. This Asian chick maury - she was super inquisitive and asked me a million questions. I think I talked to much. I met with this dude staying in my hostel. A german, he'd been being an oh-pear (I just asked my couch surfer how to spell oh-pear and he goes "what the fucks that", I go "someone who takes care of your kids for you when you're rich" he goes "oh like a maid?"

Yup, experimenting with dialogue here on the blog folks. And thats why you should go to college. Anyway.... I met this dude and amy had a couple friends going out. His name was uhhh Fabian. So I'm like fabian, want to get laid? Naturally he decided to come with us. We go out, snag a bottle of crown and hit a bar. Amy met us there with a friend..... Fuck forgot her name. It's alright. she just called me new hampshire the entire time .....anyway.

I skipping something. While we were sitting in our dorm room  this french dude came in, he was talking to us about how when he got to the hostel last night he there was a guy that had taken all the pillows and was snoring. So he next day he changed rooms and soaked all the guys pillows in water. He was in our room. We tried to appease him.

Later that night we went dancing. Alot. Then tried to sneak the girls  into the hostel so we could piss off the french guy but the door guy wasnt having any of it. Friend of amy called a cab. The german was a little hestistant and she was like "get in the fucking cab germany you coming with me". Aggressive. She basically raped him.

I left the following day. Drove down into the middle of nowhere washington. It was pouring rain and I was soaked and cold. I had this big sweet loop planned but was down pouring and i decided to forgo it and head to seattle.

I met ben here in seattle yesterday around four. I dropped my stuff off at his place, filled my camel back with bear and headed to the seattle seahawks stadium for a massive tailgate party. Then I got given a free ticket and hit of vodka with instrutions to tell this dudes friends to show me a good time. They werent in the seats but there was a cougar from Bozeman. Rawr. Enjoyed the game then left and met back up with Ben -  we hit the bars and then around midnight went to this rave at recording studio. Damn son -  just about nothing we did for the following four hours were legal.

Made it home and crashed out. Oh 15 girls liked me in less than twelve ours on Okcupid... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?????

Seattle rocks... Going to a soccer game and then maybe a music festival tonight should be rowdy.... Hope all is well. Later folks.

 Now I definitely getting laid.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Back on the bizzike! Now in Vancouver

So yeah, definitely developed a love hate relationship with this blog. I got so pissed when it deleted my last post Almost hijacked a plane. Cause i know how to do that now... Not really. Anyway.
Pre Leaving whitehorse:

I left Whitehorse with Brian, we drove down to highway sixteen and he dropped me off and I hitched to Terrace.  The kid that picked me up was from Germany.

Got to terrace and inspected the motor. Made the decision to tear into the bottom end and replace the counter shaft because it was pretty smoked. This meant waiting 4 or five days for parts. I was couch surfing with a woman named Cheryl and her Husband. They put me up for two days. After ordering the parts I went to the cafe across the street. Cafe Vesta. I was with the owner of Kickstart, he asked the owner of the cafe how business was -  turns out she was looking for help. I told her I could work for her for the next 4 days. I got a job washing dishes. I stayed with Bernise for a night or two and installed a electric dog fence for her. My hands soft from washing dishes got pretty torn up. I washed dishes for one more day -  they paid me about two hundred bucks and then my parts came in. Mike the mechanic at Kickstart let me help with the entire tear-down and rebuild which was awesome. We got the motor built in about a day and half. I put the bike together the second and third day and dialed in the carburator.

While in Terrace I also stayed with one of the serves Kaitlin -  I dont know if thats the right spelling there are way to many ways to spell that name. I also went out to this bar called back eddy a couple times. Played some chess with some random people. That was pretty fun.

The thing pulls hard. the 570 kit is boss. I took off the third night of building in the rain. It was six thirty when I left I just wanted to get out dodge.

I stopped in Smithers and rented a motel room. I was soaked and cold. It was called the mountainside. Not a bad spot. The next day I stopped at Eyecandy customs - did a quick oil change and had lunch with smokin' sam.

Back on the road with the the fresh oil change I headed for prince George. I took some neat dirt roads. It was raining. I had some good music playing and some good thoughts I wanted to blog about. I've since forgotten them but got damn its good to be back on the bike.

In prince george I stayed at a hostel and went out to a random bar. Forgot the name -  nothing special.

Next day I took off for a rugged day of riding. Lots of high speed logging roads and one trail that beat me and made me turn around. Here are some pictures. I ran out of water -  sweated my ass off and crashed about 20 times. It was the trees man -  trees across the trail every 20 feet. I was eating mad blue berries.

I got into Whistler that night... Wait I skipped a day... I guess I stayed in Williams lake for a night.

Anyway - when I got to whistler I was couch surfing with a girl named monique. I was bone cold. Like cant get warm cold. She wanted a ride down to squamish because she was spending the a couple days on Vancouver Island. I showed her the bike and we decided to try it. She had a backpack and a bag of clothes. We strapped that shit on the next morning and we headed for for Vancouver. The bike was seriously loaded.  But I could still do a solid 65 to seventy miles an hour. It was pouring rain and windy. 3k from where I need to drop her off the chain snapped. I had a master link. I put it back together. Then it snapped again. Fucked. We waved down a taxi for her and I called a tow truck. I asked the triple a lady if the KTM dealership i was getting towed to was open. She said it was. We got there -  it was closed. Course. I went next door to the food dealership and asked if I could store my bike there. They went above and beyond. Dan the service manager let me roll it in then went online and printed me directions to town by public transportation then had a kid that worked there give me a ride to the bus station. It was awesome.

I got a bed at the Cambie Hostel in downtown. Went down to the bar below -  the bartender suggested I do a bar crawl down East Hastings street. Dive doesn't begin to describe this place. There are crackheads for about 10 blocks straight - everyone is trying to sell or beg for something and the bars were brutal. People just wander around looking like empty zombies. Its fucked up. I've never been to a place like that. I didn't eat anything all day and after the seventh bar lost my wallet. It was 9 30. I stumbled back to the hostel and crashed out but not before being propositioned by a couple hookers. I thanked them but passed. I think they decided I'm gay.

Today I road the train and bus back to the ford dealership and got my bike and went next door to the KTM dealership. The owner Troy was very helpful and let me do my oil change and replace my chain in the shop.
Mapleshade motorsports.

I headed back to the hostel and began my search for my wallet. I walked up and down the street. The last bar I went in had it. So stoked. I thought it was gone for good. Tonight I'm heading to a free comedy show. Should be fun. Two more days here in Vancouver then I think I'll head for seattle.

Whirrled Peas