Monday, August 26, 2013

August and Anchorage

First of all -  sorry for falling off on the blog posts. What happens is I don't post then I get overwhelmed then I don't post... Its a vicious cycle.

In ancient rome if you saw an eagle flying before battle that was a good omen -  one that told of victory. If both sides saw it I'm not sure what happened but this is what I just saw. So I'mma take it as a win.

I'm sitting here in Kincaid Park with an amazing view bald eagles over head and great weather. Despite this I'm anxouis to hit the road. There is a stagnant feeling for me hear in anchorage and its time to move on.

I'm also not doing it by dates. And I'm not going to go into non trip related stuff to much. But enough bullshitting. Here's how its gone down:

The last post was from Juneau.

Victor and I did our thing in the Grind -.... oh hey. This post has a theme song.

Here it is:

Yeah, I don't know what the fuck they're saying either but somehow its fitting. Plus it's dope.

So anyway, Victor and I left the grind and caught the bus back towards the ferry. The bus dropped us about a mile or so short of the ferry landing. The road ran right along the water. While walking we passed a small stream that ran under the the river. It was packed with spawning salmon. I wanted to go down catch and eat one. Victor was hesitant. I hopped the road barried and slid down to the river. He had no choice. He followed this crazy American down. I grabbed this fish out of the water -  we started a fire and had a world class meal of fresh Caviar and Salmon. He thanked me profusely for making the call. We drank out forties and walked back to the terminal were we slept on the lawn for the night.


Once I got to Haines: I hitched into town then started walking. I got another ride about thirty miles out of town. Then another to Haines junction. All dudes, all cool. I got to Haines Junction and got stuck. I ate at this terrible terrible Chinese restraunt /  bar. The bar was cool. The chinese food was awful. I considered going online to warn people. This would be the first time I'd ever done this. I didn't do it though. Maybe I should. If ever in Haines junction. Do yourself a favor. Don't eat chinese. It takes alot for me to not eat food. But yeah. Fuck that place. Annyway...

At the bar, a local took me under his wing. He was hammered, his girlfiend was pissed but he wasn't about to give to fucks. We kicked it with some natives. They invited me back to they're hotel room to blaze I went along and kicked them a five for it which they refused. Then they gave me a nug which I tried to refuse -  they insisted that it was a indian thing and I had to take it. I tore it in half and took a small peace (get it?). I had to cross the border tomorrow. With nowhere to put it I through it in with some rolling tobacco I had. I went back out to keep trying to get a ride. It was nine. I started walking west. No one stopped. I made it several miles then it got dark and the bugs came out. Both the waist strap and chest strap on my pack were busted and I decided to sleep on the side of the road. The bugs were fucking rugged. I was also scared shitless I was going to get eaten by a brown bear. I pulled out the bug spray. Turned myself into a human burrito and a waited the invetible meal i was about to become. There was defintely a bear on the other side of the fence. Thank god it was a good fence. I got up around five and kept walking. No one stopped. Around 10 a cop drove by. Then he turned arond and asked me what the fuck I was doing. I explained I was hitching to anchorage. He told me to go back to town -  the next town was over 100 miles. I ran out of water. I ran out of food. I turned around and started walking. The second car pulled over and gave me a ride.

A kid from BC -  he told me to make a sign or two. A hitch hiking pro he told me about he'd done it all over BC. Even used a girl then hid in the bushes then come out when people stopped. This was the very story that Brian from BC had told me that turned him off picking up hitch hikers. I could only wonder if it had been them.

I got back to town and made some signs. A lady stopped and told me to change the sign to a closer destination. I did that and made on that said "I'd stop for you ♥" that got so smiles.

Finally a big ol van pulled into the gas station next to me. As they were pulling out I aggressively waved the sign at them and essentially bullied them into pulling over. The agreed to take me to the border. They were an Amish family from Ohio with a hired couple that was driving them around alaska on a five week trip. They made they're money by running a small engine and generator shop or three in Ohio. The distinction between amish religion and lifestyle is important to understand. I don't totally get it but they are different. And no two amish churches are the same. Oh -  as it turns out I hadn't run out of food... I had a can of stuffed grape leaves. I shared these with them. They were cautious but upon trying them fell in love....

They ended up giving me a ride to Tok.

Once in Tok we parted ways. They promised to take me south the next day if they saw me. I think I converted them to picking up hitch hikers. Atleast I hope.

Within twenty minutes different people had stopped and given me a slice of pizza. Another dude tried to give me twenty dollars. I told him thanks but I wasn't a transient and didn't need his money. He laughed. Finally it started getting dark and I walked to a restaurant. Had two Kona Fire beers and dinner. I started walking toward what i thought was a camp ground. A girl rode up on a bike and invited me to stay at her Hostel. It turned out she ran the camp ground. They had showers and laundry and it was cheap. She let me use a tent that had been left there. She got finished her chores and we made a small fire, and talked travel and sustenance farming. I'm pissed I can't remember her name. She was cool, this is why I cant wait a month to blog - I lose stuff.

The next morning I got up early and headed to the intersection and starting waving my sign at folks. Half an hour in a chick pulled over. She informed me she had a gun but would give me a ride to anchorage. I told her that was cool as long as she didn't shoot me. Turns out she was my waitress from the night before -  the beer I had ordered was her favorite and I'd tipped well so she felt like she had to stop. You get out what you put in. The proof is in the pudding.

She gave me a ride into anchorage.

I kicked it in anchorage with Abigail (my sister), Sonny (her boyfriend) and Seth ( her roomate and friend). All good folk abigail and sonny both took me flying in their respective tools (helicopter and plane) I doubt i could get them off the ground or land em but I can definitely maneuver them in the air. Perfect.... JUST KIDDING BACK OFF TSA!!!! I'm so getting red flagged for that one. Oh well.

Headed back for a family reuinion. I then came back to anchorage.

Tomorrow I leave for BC. Time for "I'd stop for you ♥" v2.0

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